
Se afișează postări din aprilie, 2011

Sa nu te increzi niciodata in promisiunile politicienilor/reprezentantilor administratiilor locale

In marea noastra dorinta de a ajunge la o intelegere cu primariile Turda & Campia Turzii, ne-am bucurat sa vedem ca cei din orasul vecin dau dovada de mult mai multa deschidere vizavi de adoptarea unor solutii in ceea ce priveste cainii comunitari. Am semnat un protocol de colaborare, s-a scos si o HCL pt inventarierea cainilor cu stapan (sursa de unde provin cei abandonati pe strazi), iar noi ne ziceam ca suntem pe drumul cel bun, un adevarat exemplu de bune practici. Drept pentru care am renuntat sa mai facem sesizari referioare la virarea banilor publici in contul firmei SC Rozintox SRL, din Baia Mare, firma ce a fost vizitata de catre noi, impreuna cu medicul veterinar al primariei, si nu a putut dovedi cum a folosit acesti bani ( ). Buna intentie care, mai apoi, s-a dovedit a fi de fapt naivitate, ne-a facut sa credem cuva...

The stray dog business in Romania

Between 2001 and 2011 the Romanian animal control people have killed hundreds of thousands dogs by spending tens of millions of EUROs in public funds, while the number of stray dogs only grew larger. For example, in Brasov, although there were only 4,000 stray dogs in 2001, the dog catchers managed to “kill” about 20,000 in 8 years. The only noticeable result of the “final solution” was the emergence of a classic mechanism of siphoning off public money, put in place by the local authorities and animal protection services in Bucharest and many other cites and towns (Brasov, Arad, Constanta, Timisoara, Ramnicu Valcea, Braila, etc.), authorities that came to realize that the mere existence of the that strays is a very profitable business for the following reasons:   Budgets Under the pretext of the “stray’s terror” generous budgets were allocated. The Bucharest do catchers spent about 13 million EURO in 7 years. The dog catchers in Brasov spent about 2 million EURO in 8 years. O...