Dear Lorenza

My name is Lucy. I am a medium size dachshund from Transylvania, Romania. I am 8 years old.

My son, Freddy, who is a large size Dachshund, is 6. He was the biggest puppy (actually a huge one) from a group of 4. After one year of living with our mom's nephew, Freddy decided to come back at the place where he was born. It was a very hard time for me while he was a very energetic male, but now we love each other very much and our mom spoils us a lot.


 Last year, in October, or mom decided to rescue 3 stray dogs and 2 of them, Zguby and Patrunjel (Parsley),  forced our mom's hand and after they enter our yard, they entered our house, too.

We become very jealously and Freddy started to feel that he loose his dominant male's place in the family. In order to enforce respect, he often squabbled with Parsley, who was only 1 y.o. After our mom neutered Parsley, he started to become jealous on Freddy's masculinity and each time my son get close to him, Parsley fall over Freddy. We had a few very stressful months, but starting from this summer, the conflict extincted. So, we become friends now, but still I'm not very happy when Zguby slips in my armchair.

Although we are proud that our mom founded an animal protection organization (Three Spotted Brothers), we cannot help ourselves to feel jealous when she takes care of stray dogs, feed them and pet them every day. We have the feeling that she breaks down the love she use to give only to us. Is it hard, but we try to understand her because she's our mom and we love her.

Dear Lorenza, I have to confess that I adore your dresses. I never had such beautiful clothes, even if I adore to wear any female accessories. I intercepted Freddy while he took a squint at you.

I'm sure he was thinking that you would we the perfect mother to his puppies, even if he already has 4 generations from 3 different female Dachshund.


But he consider himself a Don Juan because all of our human friends tell him that. He walks very proudly, wearing his chest as a very valuable jewel. (Well, actually he wears something else too as very valuable ..., well, you know... balls. Sorry for daring to bring this up, but that's the true).

Hope this little story helped you to figure out who we are and maybe we'll meet some day personal.

Love, Lucy


  1. Da, asa e. Din pacate, tura de pui negri a fost foarte ghinionista. Incepand de la mama lor care a murit lovita de masina, si puii au murit in moduri diferite,unul chiar stupid, intrand sub piciorul stapanei in timp ce se jucau. Doar unul a supravietuit. Se mai intampla.

  2. THANK YOU for what you are doing for the animals where you live. I know it's difficult and sometimes very frustrating, but you ARE making a difference, I promise.

  3. Thank you for encouraging me. Working for animal's welfare is the most frustrating but also gratifying activity. It is also very reassuring for me to meet other people in love with animals.

  4. What a wonderful story! You have a great blog! Lorenza does have great dresses! BOL!
    Hugs & Snugs
    Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

  5. Thanks for finding my blog! Nice to meet people who love doxies as much as me! Very cute photos! :)

  6. Oh and Lorenza is my blog buddy! I love her dresses too! :)

  7. Hi, Lucy!
    Thanks for your post! Now I know you and your family much better! You must be very proud of your Mom! She makes a pawesome job!
    Freddy is very handsome! And his puppies soooo cute!
    I hope you all are having a great weekend!
    Kisses and hugs

  8. Hi!

    thanks for stopping by our blog.
    To answer your question, Sadie is almost two years old and she is a miniature. Are you a standard?

  9. I'm not sure how standard is. We've been only to one exhibition where the moderator introduced us as medium size dachshund - me and large size dachshund - Freddy. That's all I know. Otherwise, our mom is not a big fan of the beauty shows, while she is taking care of the less fortunate dogs. The abandoned dogs because here people do not want dogs if they are not a pure breed.

  10. hi! thanks for finding my blog! I love your dogs and your compassion for animals. How large and long is Freddy? Standard dachshunds weigh over 17 pounds. Baxter barely qualifies but I have a feeling Freddy is DEFINITELY a standard. Great standards weigh in often at 30 pounds and still look very trim.

  11. Yes, Freddy is a standard dachshund. He has 12 kg. Now I know too. Thanks for letting me know that. Lucy is too, she has 8 kg. I don't either know how to measure their length. From what point should I start the measure. I tried to do that with a tailor meter and he is 74 cm. I'm not sure I did it right. Could you teach me? I am curious too.
    We have mini dachshunds, too. I adore them. They are so tinny and fragile. When I take one in my arms, he or she seems as light as a feather. Freddy loves to snuggle in my arms and he refuses to get down. I have to force him while I feel pain in my back because of him weight.
    They are both very friendly with human, they love to share kisses. When they meet bigger dogs, Freddy starts to be very aggressive. I have to be very cautious otherwise he provoke them. I wonder why is that? Could be because he hates to see other male bigger than him or he gets scared of them and he prefers to be the first who starts rather than other fall over him. Male's elation.


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