School Field Trip Tour of Slaughterhouse Traumatizes Children

Pe scurt, în articolul de mai jos este vorba despre ideea isteață a unei profesoare de școală generală, care s-a gândit că nu strică copiilor să vadă de unde/cum ajunge mâncarea (carnea) în magazine. Drept pentru care i-a dus la un fel de abator. Acolo copiii au trăit un adevărat șoc văzând cum vitele sunt tăiate în bucăți. Unii dintre copii au început să urle, unii au fugit imediat afară și au început să vomite. Angajații, la rândul lor, au fost șocați de reacția copiilor și au încercat să-i calmeze spunându-le că ăsta e procedeul normal prin care este făcută carnea de vită ce ajunge apoi în hamburgherul atât de gustos (pe care copiii adoră să-l mănânce). Dar nimic nu a reușit să potolească reacția copiilor. După această vizită, profesoara a fost sancționată disciplinar.
Ei da, mai mult ca sigur că acei copii nu vor mai accepta să pună în gură carne în viața lor.

"Eighteen grade 5 students of Mavis Beacon Elementary School are undergoing counseling after a school field trip visit to a beef slaughterhouse. The children reportedly were horrified to see how cows were processed into beef. Some of the students vomited, and most cried.

Their teacher, Maxwell Barnes, faces disciplinary action for organizing the school field trip. “I didn’t see anything wrong with it.” Barnes stated. “Earlier this year we had a field trip to a chocolate factory. Kids have a curiosity about where their food comes from. I don’t think there should be anything wrong with showing them where meat comes from.”

The children were escorted through the facility from the loading bay, where cattle enter the building, through to the stunning process where the animals receive a pneumatic bolt to the brain, rendering them brain dead. “Some of the kids started crying then.” said slaughterhouse foreman Dan Smith. “We told them it was all a natural part of how beef is made and ends up in yummy hamburgers, but that didn’t seem to help much.”

The field trip then went awry after the brain dead animals were chained up by their back legs and then cut into to be bled to death. “I saw one little boy throw up.” Smith said. “And then after that there was screaming and running and all these other kids throwing up all over the place. We tried to calm them down but it was out of control by then. These kids were just freaked out, they didn’t even finish the tour.”


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