Scrisoarea ONG-urilor de protectie a animalelor catre lume

 Draga lume,
            Dupa cum stiti deja, Romania este o tara a violentei si indiferentei. Cainii comunitari au fost omorati de autoritati de peste 10 ani, inutil, si in cele mai rele moduri cu putinta: ei au fost electrocutati, arsi de vii, otraviti, impuscati, omorati in bataie, decapitati, injectati cu benzina si var in inima si plamani, abandonati in paduri si fantani parasite pentru a muri de foame, aruncati de pe cladiri si poduri, spanzurati, calcati de masini, aruncati in smoala fierbinte si inecati.  In ciuda acestori chinuri de neimaginat, strazile Romaniei sunt pline.
            Ong-urile romane si straine au inteles necesitatea sterilizarii, ca singura metoda eficienta si umana de tratare a numarului imens de maidanezi pe strazi (doar in capitala sunt peste 50.000 de caini). Ong-uri din Italia , Austria … au sterilizat, de-a lungul anilor, mii de caini, gratuit. Tot ce ne trebuia era o legislatie ferma, care sa oblige sterilizarea tuturor cainilor si stoparea abandonului. Dupa ce am asteptat 20 de ani aceasta lege, acum, in 2011, ne intoarcem in Evul Mediu si omoram toti cainii comunitari. Incompetenta, lacomia si setea de sange a politicienilor vor fi satisfacute, cainii vor indura torturi de neimaginat, iar strazile Romaniei vor fi, in continuare, pline. Toate acestea pentru ca politicienii nu sunt interesati decat de binele propriu si pentru ca maidanezii reprezinta o afacere, de pe urma carora pot profita ca bani si imagine publica.
            Va rog sa nu uitati ca “eutanasie” inseamna: “ Actul de a favoriza moartea, fara dureri, a unui animal bolnav incurabil, in suferinta sau actul de a renunta la manevre medicale extreme. Metodele de eutanasiere sunt programate a provoca minimum de durere si stres.Difera de metodele de macelarire si control al daunatorilor ; este un act de mila” (Wikipedia) Romania nu cunoaste intelesul expresiei “minimum de durere si stres”. Din momentul in care sunt prinsi, cainii indura o extraordinara teroare, brutalitate, violenta, durere si frica. Nu ne mai putem numi oameni daca ingaduim ca aceste acte teribile sa se intample. Nu ne putem creste copiii ca pe niste criminali insetati de sange, care invata ca este bine sa omori animale nevinovate.
            Acesta este un strigat de ajutor pentru maidanezii si populatia din Romania . Va rugam, salvati-i pe ei de la morti in chinuri si pe noi de la a asista, neputinciosi, la aceasta tragedie. Ajutati-ne copiii sa creasca intr-o tara unde se respecta si aplica valori morale, precum: responsabilitatea, compasiunea, non-violenta, toleranta pentru toate formele de viata! Spuneti-le politicienilor nostri ca lumea nu tolereaza cruzimea extreme fata de animale!
Va multumim.

Dear World,
            As you all may know, Romania is a country of violence and indifference. Stray dogs have been killed for over ten years by our authorities for nothing and in the worst ways possible: they have been electrocuted, burned alive, poisoned, shot, clubbed to death, beheaded, injected with gasoline and lime in their hearts and lungs, they have been abandoned in woods and deserted wells to starve to death, throne from buildings and bridges, hanged, run over by cars, throne in hot pitch, drowned. Despite of  this unimaginable ordeal, Romanian streets are filled with strays.
            Romanian and foreign organizations understood the importance of sterilization, as the only efficient and humane way of dealing with the huge number of strays in Romania (the capital only has over 50.000 stray dogs). Organizations from Italy , Austria , Great Britain , America , Germany sterilized, over the years, thousands of strays, for free. All we needed, was a firm legislation that forces everyone to sterilize and to stop abandoning their dogs on the streets. We have been waiting for 20 years for this law and now, in the year 2011, we go back to the Dark Ages and kill all strays. The politicians incompetence, greed and thirst for blood will be satisfied, dogs will suffer in vain unthinkable torture and our streets will be as full as ever. All this, because Romanian authorities have in mind only their well-being; because stray dogs are a profitable business, from which they can profit with both money and public image.
            Please, keep in mind that the word “euthanasia”  means:  Animal euthanasia (from the Greek meaning "good death") is the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, an animal suffering from an incurable, esp. a painful, disease or condition. Euthanasia methods are designed to cause minimal pain and distress. Euthanasia is distinct from animal slaughter and pest control, which are performed for purposes other than an act of mercy, although in some cases the killing procedure is the same”. (Wikipedia) Romania knows nothing of “minimal pain and distress”. From the moment in which they are captured, stray dogs endure tremendous terror, brutality, violence, pain, fear. We can no longer be called humans if we allow these terrible actions to take place. We can’t raise our children as blood thirsty murderers who  learn that it’s okay to kill innocent   animals.
            This is a cry for help for Romanian strays and people. Please save them from excruciating deaths and us from watching helpless this tragedy. Help our children to be raised in a country that respects and apply moral values like:  responsibility, compassion, non-violence, tolerance of all forms of life! Tell our politicians that world can’t tolerate extreme animal cruelty!
Thank you


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