Cum a început totul/ The begining

Ro: Pentru vizitatorii noştri mai noi, vorbitori de limba română, subliniez că postarea aceasta face referire la începuturile activităţii mele cu câinii, despre care am mai vorbit pe acest bloc la inceputul realizării acestuia, apoi aici , aici şi aici. Cine este curios, poate urmări firul poveştilor. În continuare voi încerca să editez o recapitulare a vechilor postări, dar în limba engleză, pentru cititorii de limbă engleză, care mă tot întreabă cum de m-am înhămat la această muncă. Am scris "voi încerca" pentru că de dimineaţă resimţim efectele gălăgioaselor exerciţii aeriene româno-americane de la baza aeriană din Câmpia Turzii, iar câinii sunt foarte foarte agitaţi şi latră de fiecare dată când se apropie câte un avion. Partea nasoală e că se apropie foarte mult de clădiri, iar zgomotul este infernal. Partea care îmi place este că au numit acest exerciţiu "Dacian Thunder", adică Tunetul Dac. Dar tot nu înţeleg de ce trebuie să omoare câinii de la bază pentru venirea americanilor!? Cu ce i-ar fi deranjat? Americanii iubesc mult animalele şi le protejează. Nu ca noi.

Pentru ca să reechilibrez atmosfera, vreau să împărtăşesc cu voi bucuria pe care o simt când privesc această floare minunată.

Când am primit-o, acu'  3 ani, de la un elev, voluntar în echipa mea de proiect  de la acea vreme, era o tulpiniţă mică cu o singură frunzuliţă. Îmi încăpea în palmă. Acum, după 3 ani şi mai bine, îngrijită cu multă dragoste şi căldură, s-a făcut atât de mare încât ieri a trebuit să o mut într-un ghiveci pe măsură. George, dacă citeşti asta, să ştii că am numit-o după tine, adică Georgica! Şi o iubesc şi îi vorbesc zilnic. Îţi mulţumesc. Nici că se putea un cadou mai frumos de ziua mea.

En: Dear paw-friends abroad,
We are thrilled to have you around us, reading about our pawctivities. This new post will tell you about the beginning of our paw-family and about our Mom's activity.
But first, I have to tell you that we had a very hectic morning. Not far from here there is a military airport where a Romanian-American exercise, called Dacian Thunder, is going on these days. The airplanes flew very close to the buildings and the big noise they made have driven us crazy. Every time a new airplane was getting closer to the ground, the sound was almost unbearable. Because of the big noise, Zguby and Parsley get very scared and start very nervously barking. Me and Freddy are not so scared about big noises, but Mom told us that stray dogs are more sensible since they lived on the streets. Now is raining and is almost dark even if is only 4 p.m. and a very comfortable serenity grow on. Still, our mom gets very sad every time she hears the airplane because she was told that before the American troops came in, all the dogs living at the military airport were killed. This a very communist way of cleaning places before guests arrive.

Before starting, let us welcome our new room-mate:

Her name is Georgica. She came into our family 3 years ago, as a present from a former young volunteer from our Mom's  project team. His name is George, that's why Mom gave her his name. At that time, this beautiful plant was only a stemlet, big as a palm. But Mom took care of her with love and spoke with her daily. Yesterday she had to move her in a bigger flower pot because she grow big now and she moved it into our room. Isn't she beautuful?

Well, I just realize that the post is already too long. My mom, as a former journalist, taught me that long articles are hard to be followed and people may loose their interest reading it. So, I'll stop it here and start a new one. See you soon.


  1. Hey there
    We are so sorry to hear about the planes scaring your animals. Last Saturday night some people celebrated 'Divali' near our house and let off fire-crackers. I can't begin to explain the trauma that this causes to my own animals, so I can imagine what you must go through with those planes.
    ...and your plant seems to be handling the planes well too(hehe). Congratulations on its growth and your love and care.

  2. Hi
    Thank you for visiting our blog and your kind birthday wishes for Dip-Dip.
    Hope the dogs weren't too scared with the planes. It is coming up to Bonfire Night in England so there will be fireworks going from now till New Year, we wish they would stop making them, poor animals.
    That is a very nice plant, our mother is the kiss of death to plants, lol!
    Wags and kisses, Dinah and Bridget xx

  3. Woof! Hi There, I'm Sugar. Just found your blog n making new friends. Looking forward to your visit to my blog. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. buna ziua
    regulamentul e simplu
    il postezi pe blog si il dai la ..prieteni
    si ii anunti sa vina sa isi ia premiul blogosferic
    imi pare bine ca te bucuri


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